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UUM ONLINE: Yan - In line with the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2015-2025 (Higher Education), Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) use SULAM (Service-Learning Malaysia - University for Society) as one of the elements in High Impact Learning, and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) through its School of Government (SOG) has chosen the district of Yan to implement the SULAM programme.

Dean of SOG, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halimah Abdul Manaf said SULAM was aimed at improving the university's role as a catalyst for community change.

According to her, SOG chose the Yan district as the focus of the A221 semester for the programme. The district was chosen in accordance with the implementation of the UUM-PIBKS Building People's Well-Being Programme (MEKAR).

"A total of 308 students who enrolled in the courses, GMGA1013 Basic Public Administration and GMJT 3113 Environmental Administration participated in this SULAM programme, where they were divided into groups to carry out various people development activities from 4 to 13 January.

"The project began with the mangrove tree planting project in Kuala Sala and concluded with the people's feast on 13 January," she explained.

On 11 January, a total of 67 students participated in activities at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Dulang while another 75 students participated in SULAM activities at SMK Agama Yan, SMK Yan, Pondok Fauzi, SMK Haji Nyak Gam and SMK Kampung Titi Bakong.

Various activities were carried out, including the 'Community Empowerment Towards Sulampreneur' programme, in which 10 female residents from Kampung Sungai Daun were taught how to make bread by a teaching staff, Mdm. Aizeanty Jaafar of SMK Dulang.

According to the participant, Mdm. Zaiyati Ismail, the programme opened her eyes to the possibilities for increasing her income in bread-making.

"This class is very enjoyable, and I am determined to use the information provided as a starting point for the proliferation of livelihoods," she said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hittayatullah Hassan, the principal of SMK Dulang, expressed his gratitude for the presence of UUM students to the school, as their presence would inspire the students of SMK Dulang to pursue higher education.

According to him, the issue of dropping out of school and skipping school were also issues that needed to be addressed by schools, and with a programme like this, students at SMK Dulang would be more enthusiastic about going to school.

The programme, which lasted from 9.00 a.m. to 1 p.m., concluded with a closing ceremony in which essential goods were handed over to SMK Dulang as a token of appreciation.